Found onephotos >> 2006_New_Zealand >> 2006_12_12_Haast_River

This night was a total horror. We had parked on the side of the road somewhere near Haast. Sven and myself woke up at around 3 in the morning because there was a constant buzzing of mosquitos in the van. We tried to ignore it and sleep a little more but when the sun finally rose at 6am and we could see a little more, we decided to free our van from this pest and get away from this place as fast as possible.

On our way from the West Coast to the central south island we passed three waterfalls. First we got to have a look at the Roaring Billy (photos 1-3), then we drove past the Thunder Creek Falls (4-5) and finally got to the Fantail Falls (other photos).

Here we did some morning excercise by trying to build a dam and afterwards had a refreshing bath in our selfbuilt pool.
Well the river was already cold but the water in the basin right under the Fantail Falls was by far the worst I've ever experienced regarding the water temperature. However, it was worth the fun... :)
Video 1
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